Thursday, April 27, 2017

Alumni Spotlight: Susan Callahan of Ford Motor Company

Welcome back, future accounting superstars! Today we have a special guest. Susan Callahan is a Ross MAcc alumnus who is now the Director of America’s Accounting and Global Accounting Policy at Ford Motor Company.
 What has been your career path since earning your MAcc degree from Ross? I was a non-traditional student with a young family to raise while at U of M. I was fortunate enough to work with what is now Deloitte all through school and then joined PwC when I graduated. All my time in public accounting, with the exception of a few months, was spent in tax preparation and consulting. I later joined Ford Motor Company’s Office of Tax Counsel and then after about three years, I transferred into the Accounting organization with the responsibility of building a technical team responsible for all accounting policies and special projects (acquisitions, divestitures, capital funding, etc.)

Can you please talk about your current role at Ford? Presently I have the role of Director, Americas Accounting and Global Accounting Policy. In that role, I am responsible for supervising all elements of operational accounting for all locations in North and South America.  I also supervise a team that engages with the standard setters, and is responsible for the interpretation and implementation of U.S. GAAP and IFRS. We are also responsible for the accounting for all special transactions such as capital funding, acquisitions, divestitures, union contracts etc. My specific role is to partner with our business colleagues to ensure the accounting and the economics of a transaction are aligned.

What are the toughest professional challenges you face? I have enjoyed every turn in my professional career. When faced with a challenge, I found it best to turn it into an opportunity.  After I graduated and started my career in public accounting, I was frustrated that the profession struggled with the issues of gender and people of color. I was convinced however that in order to stay relevant, public accounting had to evolve with what was happening economically and socially. With that perspective, I decided to informally mentor other women in the profession and to dedicate spending more time with people of color when recruiting. I involved myself in training efforts and was outspoken on diversity issues. The profession has grown tremendously with respect to the gender issue – but has a ways to go with respect to other “isms” that get in the way of opportunity and inclusiveness that is so important in today’s business environment.

What general career advice do you have for MAcc students? Approach your career with unbridled inquisitiveness and a passion for doing what is right. Stay personally relevant.

What specific advice would you give someone who wants to work as an accountant in the auto industry? Public accounting first or rotational corporate program straight from MAcc? How much finance background? I am biased. I recommend graduates start with public accounting, regardless of the industry with which they might be interested. The public accounting experience and the client base exposure will introduce graduates to many more issues, many more industries and corporate cultures, and many levels of leadership very quickly. Public accounting will provide an opportunity to “try-out” the industry and experience the culture from a distance before making a commitment. MAcc students will benefit from the broad experience in public accounting that will enable them to bring a “bag of tricks” and immediate value others might not bring to the new employer. As for finance – get as much academic training as you can. You will find throughout your accounting career, that almost everything you deal with is economically motivated and the finance background will help both with your analysis as well as the value you bring to any decision making.

What is the value of the CPA designation? The CPA designation is a deeply respected designation and opens many doors of opportunity.  Interestingly, there seems to be an immediate acknowledgment by business partners the value a CPA can bring to the discussion.

We are very grateful for Susan’s time and perspectives! Best of luck as you prepare your applications and GO BLUE!  

Monday, April 17, 2017

Housing and Cars

Walking on Munger's rooftop track!
Welcome back, future accounting superstars! I’m sure a lot of you are curious where you should live, or how you’ll get around town. I live in Munger and have really enjoyed it. I have a 7 bedroom, 7.5 bath apartment (yes, you read that correctly) that I share with other graduate students. We all have our own bedrooms and bathrooms and the apartment is fully furnished. I live with people studying medicine, dentistry, computer design, public health, business, and accounting! We were all random apartment-mates, except for the other MAcc student who I went to undergrad with.  

Munger Graduate Residences (540 Thompson Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104) are in a fantastic location on central campus. I can walk to Ross in 7 minutes and the Law School, Ford School of Public Policy, Michigan Union, and Intramural Gym are all super close too! Munger has lots of study lounges, recreation rooms, and even its own rooftop gym and track. The application opened recently and can be found here.  

Current MAccs tour prospective MAccs
There are lots of other housing options besides Munger! Central campus is surrounded by downtown Ann Arbor and there are “off-campus” apartments that are actually closer to Ross than Munger. Students also live in houses around town.
I do not think it’s necessary to bring a car to Ann Arbor. Parking is challenging/expensive and the town is walkable if you live near campus. There is a free city bus system for students, Zipcars to rent around campus, and Uber/Lyft! There’s also public transit to the Detroit airport, an Amtrak station, and buses to Chicago.

Bikes are a popular way to get around town. You can bring your own or join a bike share program that has stations all over Ann Arbor.

Best of luck as you prepare your applications and GO BLUE!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

New CPA Exam Score Release Timeline and Canada Trip

Welcome back, future accounting superstars! I’ll be talking about two fun things: The new CPA exam and travel.

As you may have heard, the AICPA released a new CPA exam that started April 1, 2017. Unfortunately, this is not an April Fool’s joke (although that would have made history if it was). For the first quarter of the new exam, April 1, 2017 - May 31, 2017, scores will be released mid-August 2017. This additional “time is required to conduct the standard setting process, which includes statistically validating candidate performance and setting a passing score.”

Depending on which state you’re licensing out of and when you finish undergrad, this may not affect you. However, it’s still worth noting that for 2017, scores will only be released once per quarter after each testing window closes!

The AICPA Uniform CPA exam is the same everywhere. This means that you can test in any state, regardless of which state you are obtaining your CPA license through. I am being licensed out of California, but have taken two CPA exams here in Ann Arbor! There’s a Prometric center right by the Briarwood Mall that’s conveniently close to campus. U of M has pass rates that are almost double the national average and regularly churns out Elijah Watt Sells award winners--students who score a cumulative average of greater than 95.50 on each exam on their first attempt.

One of the great parts of living in Ann Arbor is the ease of travel to other great locations. This past weekend, I went to Toronto and Niagara Falls! It was my first time in Ontario, Canada. I had previously visited Vancouver, British Columbia, which is on the western side of Canada north of Seattle, Washington.

It took about 4 hours to drive to Toronto. Although it’s a large city, Toronto was incredibly clean and the people were very polite. Trip Advisor describes Toronto as “‘New York City run by the Swiss,’ and it's true—you can find world-class theater, shopping and restaurants here, but the sidewalks are clean and the people are friendly.” I went to a Second City improv comedy show, explored the entertainment district, and the distillery district.

Niagara Falls is about an hour away. It was my first time seeing the falls and I was blown away by how loud they were. There’s so much water flowing that a constant mist hangs in the air, which is the perfect condition for seeing lots of rainbows. I probably saw 5 different rainbows while walking from one end of the falls to the other!

Best of luck as you prepare your applications and GO BLUE!