Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Welcome back, future accounting superstars! This is a short week for classes as Thanksgiving is on Thursday.

We MAcc students celebrated early, having a “Friendsgiving” this past Sunday. The MSA board cooked a couple of turkeys and the rest of us signed up to bring different dishes. We had mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, cheesy bacon casserole potatoes, barbecue chicken sliders, roasted brussel sprouts, stuffing, apple pie, pumpkin pie, and more! My friend Ben cooked green bean soup, a traditional Chinese dessert. I made rosemary oven roasted potatoes and was really impressed by the cooking of my classmates.
It was a fun potluck with lots of yummy food and good conversations. Even in the craziness of studying for classes and the CPA exams, it’s important to take time and enjoy life. We certainly did!  

I am very thankful that I discovered the wonderful community of students, staff, and faculty that makes up the Ross MAcc program. It really is an incredible group of people and I could not think of spending this year anywhere else.

Safe travels this week and Happy Thanksgiving! Best of luck as you prepare your applications and GO BLUE!

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